Europe’s Largest Product Database

The quality of your information is the key to your success!

   In the modern shopping environment, additional information often dictates purchasing decisions. The product alone no longer results in the direct purchase in many fields. Instead, consumers have a clear preference for providers which offer wide ranging product information in a swift, uncomplicated and high quality way. This builds trust and forms the basis for a high return business rate. The xplace content service is your professional partner and full service content provider. We create and manage carefully researched, PEGI certified and professionally prepared content relating to media of all types in the fields of entertainment and software. Our company also maintains a comprehensive database in the areas of wine and spirits. All content is processed in an appropriate way for the interface, whether for mobile or desktop devices, and provided accordingly. The focus is on high quality and up-to-date data. Nowadays, there are only a few weeks between the release of a cinema block­buster and the publication of the Blu-ray. Offering all sale relevant information in your shop ahead of time therefore allows customers to enjoy specific and comprehensive information whenever they seek it.

   You can browse the product data via a standardized web service interface. The data sets include content such as web links (which can be used to stream the corresponding audio samples), trailers, screenshots and cover images in various formats from our servers.

Your advantages:

v  Up to date, high quality and wide ranging datasets.

v  Advanced search service: In addition to a simple product enquiry, a full text search is also possible in our product catalogue.

v  Transparent cost structure through invoicing on a flat rate basis including initialization and streaming costs.

v  Flexible content: Content packs for different fields and additional multimedia content are individually bookable, completely in line with your requirements!

v  15.3 million audio samples and 660.000 videos.

v  95.000 video-trailers and 845.000 pictures.

v  9.500 games-trailers and 162.000 screenshots.

v  43.000 audio book samples.

v  25.000 expertises for wine and spirits.